
I never fully appreciated the importance of an acknowledgements page until writing this book. It was only then that I came to understand all the help that is needed to turn a book idea into a published reality.

Gratitude begins with my book partners, Jami Fluke and Ward Cunningham who have been by my side throughout this journey. It was their wisdom that I continually tapped as we weaved our way through the wilderness.

To the Dayton community, including Debbie Kearns, Roger Lorenzen, Jenny Shilhanek, Patrick Verdun, Mitch Coleman, and many others, I offer my deepest thanks for welcoming me to become a part of their Pirate Nation. Their courage and love of teaching continually inspired me.

For the many industry volunteers who have joined me along the way, I share my thanks. Particular thanks goes to Gage Choat, who was the first to jump in with enthusiasm and commitment that opened the doors of opportunity for others.

Then there are the school leaders including Jamie Richardson, Casey Petrie, and Cassandra Thonstad, Kyle Laier,, and many others who gave us support and encouragement. They are the true heroes as this story continues to unfold.

There were many who helped me turn words into a book, including Brian Scott, Hariana Chilstrom, David Bernstein, and others. I am so grateful for their support.

And then there is my wife, Mary Beth, who stood by my side and gave me strength to keep going when times were challenging. It is in her embrace that I have come to understand the deepest meaning of love. That love which is the wellspring of joy.